Josh Goldberg

Josh Goldberg is a marketing and communications executive with global experience.

After graduating from Tufts University in 2001, Josh spent six years in England and New Zealand developing and leading corporate social responsibility and communications efforts at a leading consumer goods company. In 2006, he returned to Texas to oversee significant components of ExxonMobil’s corporate communications program, including managing the company’s domestic and international advertising initiatives.

Josh’s true passion sits at the nexus of business and philanthropy, and leveraging the best of both worlds. To learn from a pioneer in that field, Josh went to work for 2M Companies in 2011, and worked closely with Mort Meyerson to develop technology solutions that sought to bridge the growing gap between the general public and their elected officials.

During that time, Josh advised several non-profits working to raise awareness about the challenges facing our returning service members and veterans, and worked directly with those battling Post-Traumatic Stress. Those experiences inspired Josh to make the decision to move full-time into supporting our returning Warriors, and he worked with a range of key stakeholders from the business, entertainment and philanthropic communities to raise awareness and understanding of what is required to ensure successful re-integration. This included working closely with Boulder Crest Retreat, the nation’s only private retreat dedicated to wounded warriors and their families.

Josh joined S2S in June 2014 to serve as our Chief Marketing Officer, a role that allows him to fuse his understanding of the business/philanthropy nexus with his deep and profound commitment to serving those who served us all.

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